Learn the tips and tools for building software as a team! Every other week, I send a long-form article, a team-building exercise, and resources to help you build better software teams so you can build better software.
Team-Driven Developer A newsletter with tips and tools for building software as a team Hi! This week's newsletter is a bit different. I've suddenly run into some unfortunate build problems 😭 for the website and will need to share this week's article inline vs. on a separate post. Hoping to resolve these issues and return to normal in a few weeks! Related: I'm taking a vacation, so I'll be skipping the second issue this month. I'll pick back up in April! The other week, I heard an interesting...
Team-Driven Developer A newsletter with tips and tools for building software as a team The first time I hit the proverbial "deploy button" as a software engineer, I was anything but calm. While we were confident in our tests, we always feared, "What if something goes wrong?" or "What if we missed a critical test case?" This first deployment went fine, but over the past decade, I've had my fair share of botched deployments or the need to rollback quickly. It's not a fun place to be in. During...
Team-Driven Developer A newsletter with tips and tools for building software as a team Software engineers are all about principles and patterns. Short acronyms like DRY, YAGNI, KIS, etc., are used everywhere within the industry to try and concisely communicate an axiom of how to write software. One principle that arises within software engineering is that of reusability. We have this idea that we can build software components once and reuse them everywhere. The idea is that by building...